How to Make a Rum Rum Rudolph Cocktail


Gather rum, cranberry juice, ginger beer, lime juice, and fresh cranberries for a merry mix of flavors.

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In a shaker, combine 2 oz rum, 1 oz cranberry juice, and a squeeze of lime juice. Shake well to blend the flavors.

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 Fill a glass with ice, then strain the mixed ingredients into it, leaving room at the top for the next step.

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Top Up

Complete your Rudolph cocktail by topping it off with ginger beer for a festive fizz.

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Add a few fresh cranberries as a garnish for an extra festive touch.

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Serve & Enjoy

Your Rum Rudolph Cocktail is ready to be served! Enjoy the holiday cheer with every sip.

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Experiment with different rum varieties or add a cinnamon stick for a unique twist on this classic cocktail.

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Raise a glass to the season and toast to good times with your homemade Rum Rudolph Cocktail.

Image : unsplash

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