12 astrological indications that are always depressed

Astrology, an ancient practice that seeks to understand the influence of celestial bodies on human affairs, often offers insights into various aspects of our lives, including our emotional well-being. While it’s essential to approach astrology with a critical mind, many individuals find comfort and resonance in the patterns and interpretations it provides. In the realm of emotions, certain astrological indications are believed to predispose individuals to depression. Here are 12 astrological signs and placements that are often associated with feelings of melancholy and sadness:

Saturn in the 12th House

Saturn, the planet of restriction and responsibility, positioned in the 12th house, which governs secrets, isolation, and hidden enemies, can create a sense of heaviness and loneliness, leading to depressive tendencies.

Moon in Hard Aspect to Saturn

When the Moon, representing emotions and moods, forms a challenging aspect with Saturn, it can result in deep-seated emotional insecurity and a tendency towards pessimism and gloominess.

Sun in the 12th House

Individuals with the Sun, symbolizing vitality and self-expression, placed in the 12th house may struggle with feelings of self-doubt, inadequacy, and a pervasive sense of being overshadowed, contributing to depressive episodes.

Mercury in Retrograde

Mercury, the planet of communication and cognition, going retrograde is often associated with miscommunication, mental confusion, and introspective rumination, potentially exacerbating feelings of depression.

Chiron in Hard Aspect to Personal Planets

Chiron, the wounded healer, forming challenging aspects with personal planets such as the Sun, Moon, Mercury, or Venus, can signify unresolved emotional wounds and a perpetual sense of inner pain, leading to depressive tendencies.

Neptune Afflictions

Neptune, the planet of illusions and transcendence, afflicted by challenging aspects, can foster a sense of disillusionment, escapism, and confusion, contributing to feelings of existential despair and depression.

Stellium in Water Signs

A stellium, which occurs when three or more planets congregate in a single zodiac sign or house, in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) can intensify emotional sensitivity, amplifying the risk of mood swings and depressive states.

Saturn Return

The Saturn return, which happens approximately every 29.5 years when Saturn returns to the same position it occupied at an individual’s birth, often heralds a period of significant life changes, responsibilities, and introspection, which can trigger depressive episodes.

Pluto in Hard Aspect to Personal Planets

Pluto, the planet of transformation and power, forming challenging aspects with personal planets, can signify intense psychological struggles, obsessive tendencies, and a sense of powerlessness, contributing to depression.

South Node in Hard Aspect to Personal Planets

The South Node, representing past experiences and karmic patterns, forming challenging aspects with personal planets, may indicate unresolved issues from the past resurfacing, leading to feelings of despair and emotional stagnation.

Lunar Nodes in Hard Aspect to Saturn

When the lunar nodes, which signify life lessons and destiny, form challenging aspects with Saturn, it can symbolize a karmic burden or a sense of being held back by external circumstances, contributing to depressive tendencies.

Void Moon

A void moon, which occurs when the Moon makes its last major aspect before changing to the next zodiac sign, is believed to be a time of emotional emptiness and lack of direction, potentially heightening feelings of sadness and despondency.


While astrology can offer valuable insights into our emotional predispositions, it’s essential to remember that it’s just one lens through which to view ourselves and our experiences. Depression is a complex and multifaceted condition influenced by various factors, including genetics, environment, and individual circumstances. Seeking professional help and support from mental health professionals is crucial for managing and overcoming depressive symptoms, regardless of astrological indications.


Can astrology accurately predict depression?

Astrology can offer insights into potential emotional predispositions, but it cannot definitively predict depression. Many factors contribute to depression, and it’s essential to approach mental health concerns with a holistic perspective.

What should I do if my astrological chart indicates depressive tendencies?

If you’re concerned about depressive tendencies indicated in your astrological chart, consider seeking support from mental health professionals such as therapists or counselors. They can provide guidance and support tailored to your individual needs.

Are there any positive aspects in astrology that counteract depressive tendencies?

Yes, astrology also highlights strengths, resilience, and opportunities for growth. Focus on nurturing positive aspects of your chart, such as supportive relationships, creative outlets, and self-care practices, to counteract depressive tendencies.

Can astrology alone treat depression?

Astrology can provide insights and guidance, but it’s not a substitute for professional mental health treatment. It’s essential to combine astrological insights with evidence-based therapeutic approaches for comprehensive depression management.

Do astrological indications of depression change over time?

Astrological influences can evolve as individuals grow and experience different life stages. While certain predispositions may remain consistent, others may shift or become less prominent over time, reflecting the dynamic nature of astrology and human experience.

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